Sermon, Septuagesima Sunday, 2025

On Septuagesima Sunday, we are called to awaken from our slumber.  We are called to Awake, Awake to Love and Work.  We are called to dedicated service our Our Lord Jesus Christ.  For most of us, however, this cry passes by us without evoking any change in our attitudes or in our actions.  Why is this?  Perhaps it is because we don’t really long as deeply for our heavenly reward as we ought to.  We consider the rewards of our efforts to be too far off, to be too intangible, to be too little to inspire us.  We need to repent of holding cheaply the salvation won for us by Christ.  Let us take up the challenge to run the race with all the strength we can muster.  Let us strive for the imperishable crown that awaits us at the end of our course.

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