Service Times & Location
Visitors are always welcome. We have lunch after services on Sunday; please stay and get to know the CTK parishioners.
Directions to our Church
Church Address
555 S. 13th St., Suite G, Grover Beach, CA 93433
Service Times
- 9:20 AM: Adult Study / Catechism
- 10:30 AM: Holy Communion
Morning Prayer:
- M – F, 8:15 AM
- Vicar is sometimes out of town so check the church calendar to make sure the daily office isn’t cancelled on a given day.
Evening Prayer:
- M, T, Th, F, 4:45 PM
- W, 7:00 PM
- Vicar is sometimes out of town so check the church calendar to make sure the daily office isn’t cancelled on a given day.
Bible Study:
- Every other Monday night, 6:45 – 8:00 PM
- We meet at the Vicarage. Email Fr. Kent or use our contact form for the address.
Office Hours:
- By Appointment. Use the links above to contact Fr. Kent