• Sermons

    Sermon, 3rd Sunday in Advent, 2024

    The story of Israel, and of Christ as the True Israel, and of each of our lives as well, is marked by the pattern of exile and return.  This is especially seen in Psalm 107.  The ordained ministry is crucial to preparing the people for return back to the land of promise and blessing.  They are the heralds calling to the people to repent and return to the Lord.  They who minister to God’s people are not judged by the people or even by their own consciences.  But as St. Paul says, “he that judgeth me is the Lord.”  Ministers will be held accountable by God, and thus they must…

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 3rd Sunday in Advent, 2023

    In this life, we are necessarily most familiar with our own stories, and we are most familiar with our own struggles and pain.  It is therefore very easy to believe that our pain and difficulties are worse than that of other people.  In other words it is easy for us to be judgmental towards others.  This is an ancient problem for the Apostle Paul was often judged by those to whom he ministered.  And Jesus Himself, was seemingly judge by John the Baptist when John did not understand what was happening or what Jesus came to do.  So how do we avoid judging others?  Jesus is the only just judge. …

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