Sermon, 15th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
Covetousness is, at its core, a distrust of God through an attempt to provide for ourselves. Yet we cannot make the sun rise or set, we cannot make it rain or shine, we cannot control the vast majority of what happens to us. So how exactly are we going to provide what we need for life? The virtue we need which opposes our greediness is justice – giving to all his due. The just person understands the relative value of things and does not clamor for that which cannot satisfy and which cannot save. God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble. God takes care of…
Episcopal Visit, Aug. 3 & 4, 2024, Bishop Walter Banek
Some photos from our episcopal visit this year. We were blessed to have 4 confirmands and 2 receptions. Thank you Bishop Banek for a very encouraging weekend! The cake decorator evidently had a little difficulty with spelling.
Sermon, 13th after Trinity, 2024
Too often, we use the Law, those biblical principles of what things are right and wrong, to attempt to justify ourselves. Such is the case of the student of the Mosaic Law that we read about in Luke 10:23-37. Then having incorrectly justified ourselves, we become angry with those who disagree with us or thwart our purposes. Yet St. Paul makes the case in Galatians 3, that our relationship with God, established first in the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis, is entirely on the basis of God’s promise. Our obedience is built upon God’s gift, not upon our keeping of the Law. We do not justify ourselves. God, in Christ Jesus,…
Sermon, 12th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
Accidie or Dejection is the sin that steals our agency. At some point, we look at the problems in the world and the problems in our own lives, and we give up. We don’t think that anything we do can change the course that is set in motion. The virtue that opposes our dejection is Hope for hope is a confidence that is based on the agency of God who makes us able ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What we do, any act of service no matter how grand or how unseen, makes a difference. This isn’t because we see the difference that our actions make. We may…
Sermon, 8th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
In what do we really put our trust? In God? Or in our own abilities to get what we desire? We are tempted to neglect worship because we want to get ahead. We are tempted to manipulate others to get them to behave as we desire them to. It is hard to rest in God and to accept what He has for us, but that is exactly what we are called to do as followers of Jesus Christ. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 7th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
Are the Seven Deadly Sins really all that deadly? They do not immediately cause our physical death, but the certainly do lead to death of the soul. Why then do we not repent and amend our lives? Because to do so means that we must put off our sloth, dying to ourselves, and embracing the work that God has for us to do. Let us not be intimidated by this, but rather, being strengthened by Christ, let us embrace the work set before us to the building of The Kingdom of God and to the Glory of The Almighty King. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 6th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
In this sermon, we continue with our series on the purgation cycle of the seven deadly sins. This sermon focuses upon the sin of wrath or unjustified anger. Wrath seeks to destroy whatever may be causing one frustration, the ultimate end of which is murder. Christ Himself connects anger with murder in the Sermon on the Mount which is one of the texts referenced. Is there the possibility of a justified anger? Yes, for there truly are injustices in this world that we are called to correct. As recovering sinners, however, we should always be wary because our natural tendency is to rationalize our sin away. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 1st Sunday after Trinity, 2024
The color of the Trinity season is green to represent the spiritual growth of the season. But what is spiritual growth? Is there a process for it? How do the Trinity season Bible readings of the Book of Common Prayer fit into this theme? David G. Phillips has proposed that these lessons are structured around the medieval three fold way of growth in holiness applied to each of the seven deadly sins. This sermon introduces this topic which we will more thoroughly explore this Trinity season. His original paper can be found here and is highly recommended reading. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 2nd Sunday after Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, 2024
Christ Jesus is both our Good Shepherd, leading us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death in this life, and The Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world. He is set before us as an example of godliness and righteousness in conduct, but also of a love that sacrifices for others. We therefore are called as His followers to be obedient and sacrificial in our lives. We too are to be sheep, obediently following our shepherd, and Shepherd, laying our lives down for others. Propers Manuscript
Feast of the Ascension, 2024
Join us to celebrate the Ascension of Christ on May 9, 40 days after Easter. The Ascension is one of the primary feasts of the church and is also the Patronal Feast Day for our parish for when Christ ascends into the heavens, He then sits down at the right hand of God the Father upon His throne from which He rules the earth through His people the Church. We will meet at 7pm for the service of Holy Communion. May 9, 7 pm.