• Sermons

    Homily for the Feast of St. Matthew, 2023

    The mercy of God for St. Matthew (and for St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians) is that his heart was opened to receive the Word of God, leading him to repentance.  May we follow his good example by embodying repentance in our lives. Propers

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 17th after Trinity, 2023

    Are we legalistic?  In the gospel reading this morning, we see the Pharises imposing their interpretation of the Fourth Commandment upon other.  Their interpretations became the lens through which they evaluated the piety of others.  Their expectation even prevented others from loving their neighbors as themselves.  Not only were they hypocritical in their applications, but this showed their great pride.  Were their Sabbath regulations justified?  Do we have areas of pride like the Pharisees?  What is a practical means of learning humility?  What is our motivation for being humble? Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 16th after Trinity, 2023

    The gospel this morning tells us of the Widow of Nain who had lost both her husband and her son.  She was therefore desperately needy and hopeless.  Through Christ, her son was restored to her.  Not only was he raised from the dead, but her life was also, in a sense, “resurrected”.  For us, Jesus Himself, is the resurrected Son.  We too find our present and our future life in His resurrected life. Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 15th Sunday after Trinity, 2023

    We had a couple of baptisms today!  In this sermon, we review some of the basics of baptism and draw connections to the lessons of the day.  In Galatians, St. Paul argues that the Christians is not under the Mosaic Law and therefore circumcision is not to be required of the Christian who now is sealed and signed by baptism.  And Christ instructs us in today’s gospel lesson from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6, that those who are sealed in baptism must follow Christ with a singleness of mind.  “No man can serve two masters.  … Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall…

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 14th Sunday after Trinity

    God’s goodness to us is evident in Creation. The heavens declare the glory of God. The earth is the Lord’s and all that therein is.  And our consciences reveal the justice and mercy of God which is placed within each of our hearts. Will we respond to these good gifts of God by worshiping Christ and walking in His Spirit? Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 13th Sunday after Trinity, 2023

    Following Jesus is more than just checking boxes.  It is more than just adhering to a set of rules.  Following Jesus is a response to God’s great goodness and to the gift of salvation through faith given to us in Christ Jesus.  May we understand the goodness and love of God, and may we receive those gift by giving ourselves through service back to God. Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 12th Sunday after Trinity

    God desires to ABUNDANTLY pour His blessings upon us.  Yet we must understand this in the context of what God reveals about Himself to us.  We know that God is good, that God knows us, and that God loves us.  How will we receive the blessings that He has for us? Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 11th Sunday after Trinity, 2023

    The collect for the 11th Sunday after Trinity begins, “O GOD, who declarest thy almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity.”  How does showing mercy declare God’s power?  Those who know God’s mercy are empowered to live in the glory of the life to come.  Those who know God’s mercy have changed and will continue to change the world. Propers    Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 10th Sunday after Trinity, 2023

    Hosea 4:6 begins, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  Upon entering the city, Christ condemns Jerusalem saying, “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.”   And in the epistle, St. Paul states, “Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.”  Do we, the Church, know the Word of God written very well?  Do we know the Word of God Incarnate very well?  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Propers   Manuscript

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