• Events,  Photos

    Photos from Our Hymn Workshop, 11/15-11/17

    We all had a really great time learning about music, being encouraged to sing out, and practicing singing some of our great hymns better.  Again – special thanks to our guest instructor, Andrew Dittman, from Chapel of the Cross, in Dallas, Texas! Did you know that the tune from God the Omnipotent is the bass line from Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture?   Practicing Chanting on Saturday Afternoon   Saturday Night Dinner at the Johansens!    Good Food!  Good Fellowship!   Sunday After Church – Great Singing this Weekend!  

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 25th Sunday after Trinity, 2024

    For the 25th Sunday after Epiphany, we almost always use the readings and collect from the 6th Sunday after Epiphany.  The theme of the Epiphany season is Christ’s manifestation to the Gentiles, and these propers focus not only upon the fact of His manifestation, but also the reasons for His manifestation – “… that he might destroy the works of the devil, and make us the sons of God, and heirs of eternal life” (see 1 John 3).  In our readings we are not only reminded of the things that Christ has done for us already, but also that His work in us of purifying and completing our salvation is…

  • Sermons,  Videos

    Holy Communion, 24th Sunday after Trinity, 2024

    God is good even though life is hard, even though He allows us to struggle.  It is in the struggle and the trials that we are purified, that we become more like Christ.  Our purification and sanctification is a life-long project, but, thanks be to God, He is faithful.  Hold on to Jesus.  When life is challenging and difficult, hold on to Him all the more.  You will grow.  In the pain, through the pain, you will know healing, joy, and peace. Propers      Manuscript      Sermon Archive  

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 23rd Sunday after Trinity, 2024

    This Sunday, we wrapped up the Unification cycle of our Trinity series on the Seven Deadly Sins by revisiting one final time, the sin of covetousness.  Covetousness desires what belongs to another person.  Christ said to the Pharisees, render unto Cesar the things that are Cesar’s, and render unto God, the things that are God’s.  As ancient coins bore the image of the sovereign that minted them, we bear the image of the sovereign that created us.  We belong to God.  Will we render ourselves unto Him?  Or do we withhold ourselves from Him in our self-covetousness?  This is the challenge for us today and every day. Propers      Manuscript     …

  • Events

    Anglican Hymn Singing Workshop, Nov. 15-17, 2024

    Do you like to sing, but feel timid about singing along with everyone in Church?  Do you wish that you could sing better, but don’t know where to begin to improve?  Then please join us at Christ the King Anglican Church on the weekend of November 15-17 when we welcome Andrew Dittman, Choirmaster at Chapel of the Cross in Dallas, Texas, to help us to better understand why we sing and to help us to sing better!  Besides being choirmaster at the Chapel, Mr. Dittman also leads the music department at St. Timothy’s School in Dallas, and is also Artistic Director of the Denton Bach Society. Here is the weekend’s…

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 15th Sunday after Trinity, 2024

    Covetousness is, at its core, a distrust of God through an attempt to provide for ourselves.  Yet we cannot make the sun rise or set, we cannot make it rain or shine, we cannot control the vast majority of what happens to us.  So how exactly are we going to provide what we need for life?  The virtue we need which opposes our greediness is justice – giving to all his due.  The just person understands the relative value of things and does not clamor for that which cannot satisfy and which cannot save.  God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble.  God takes care of…

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 14th after Trinity, 2024

    Will we live in the flesh or in the Spirit?  This question is posed to us by St. Paul in the epistle lesson this morning.  The sins of the flesh may seem attractive to us, but then the gospel lesson illustrates for us that such a life is like having leprosy.  How then, are we to live in the Spirit?  The virtue we need is Temperance.  As followers of Jesus, this isn’t simply a strength of will to avoid sin, but it is a longing for something greater to be found in our relationship with Christ. Propers      Manuscript

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 13th after Trinity, 2024

    Too often, we use the Law, those biblical principles of what things are right and wrong, to attempt to justify ourselves.  Such is the case of the student of the Mosaic Law that we read about in Luke 10:23-37.  Then having incorrectly justified ourselves, we become angry with those who disagree with us or thwart our purposes.  Yet St. Paul makes the case in Galatians 3, that our relationship with God, established first in the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis, is entirely on the basis of God’s promise.  Our obedience is built upon God’s gift, not upon our keeping of the Law.  We do not justify ourselves.  God, in Christ Jesus,…

  • Sermons

    Sermon, 12th Sunday after Trinity, 2024

    Accidie or Dejection is the sin that steals our agency.  At some point, we look at the problems in the world and the problems in our own lives, and we give up.  We don’t think that anything we do can change the course that is set in motion.  The virtue that opposes our dejection is Hope for hope is a confidence that is based on the agency of God who makes us able ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  What we do, any act of service no matter how grand or how unseen, makes a difference.  This isn’t because we see the difference that our actions make.  We may…

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