Sermon, 1st Sunday in Advent, 2023
In Advent, Christ comes to us historically for He was born two millennia ago in Bethlehem, and He comes to us in judgement as king for He will come to judge the earth. But He also comes to us in each moment, seeking to renew our hearts so that we will one day enjoy the fullness of union with Christ. This Advent season, let Christ into all of the locked away parts of your heart. He will clean out all that does not honor Him so that we can be free from shame so that nothing will prevent us from enjoying Him now and forever. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, Sunday Next Before Advent, 2023
God is always doing a new thing. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but His creative power in redemption is always fresh; it is always new. Will we join Him in the work of redemption? Will we allow ourselves to be broken so that we may be given to others? May we answer yes. May our wills be stirred-up to obedience for God’s glory. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 24th Sunday After Trinity, 2023
What is absolution? Is this practice biblical? Why do we need it? Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 23rd Sunday after Trinity, 2023
“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. Render unto God, the things that are God’s.” As Christians, we are dual citizens for we live under the authority of the rulers of this world, but our ultimate allegiance is to Our Creator, the Triune God of the Bible. It is this relationship, between us human beings and God, that we must value above all other things for this is the beginnings of our eternal existence, the blessed life of the faithful in the world to come. Propers Sermon
Sermon, 22nd Sunday After Trinity, 2023
The Christian life is difficult. It takes effort to live our faith in this world with integrity. As we approach the end of the year, we are reminded to not become careless in the faith. We must not let down our guard in our pursuit of Christ. And we never get to the point where we can stop forgiving. Finish the year strongly in the faith. Finish your race strongly in the faith. Propers Sermon
Sermon, All Saints Day, 2023
Are our departed brothers and sisters in Jesus with Jesus or in purgatory? What is purgatory and what problems stemming from the doctrine of purgatory were corrected in the Reformation? Touching on these and some other topics connected with The Feast of All Saints Propers Reference Text: For All the Saints: Remembering the Christian Departed by N.T. Wright
Sermon, 19th Sunday after Trinity, 2023
In Christ we have been renewed. Jesus heals our inner man and this renewal works itself out into our entire lives. The world seems like it is falling to pieces right now, but as renewed followers of Jesus Christ, we do not have to live in discouragement. Change begins with each one of us. Let the renewal of the world begin with me. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 18th After Trinity, 2023
What is temptation and what does it mean to be tempted by the world, the flesh, and the devil? How can we resist temptation? In our lives, what is the target upon which our spiritual disciplines should focus to help us better battle temptation? Propers Manuscript
St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals
We had a great time praying for and blessing our furred and feathered friends on the Saturday following St. Francis day (Oct. 4). Here are a few pictures from the morning.
Homily for the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 2023
Let us give thanks for the Angels, divinely appointed spiritual messengers of God who guard us and guide us so that we may eventually behold the Face of God Himself. Propers