Homily, Easter Sunday, 2023
Christ’s resurrection was not merely a psychological or spiritual event. Christ was raised bodily from the dead. Without the physical resurrection of Jesus, our faith is in vain. Propers Manuscript
Homily, Good Friday, 2023
The Cross is the symbol of Christianity. How will you let the Cross of Christ take you deeper into the love of Christ? Manuscript
Sermon, Palm Sunday, 2023
Let this mind be in you as it was in Christ. Let your faith be demonstrated by your life. Let Christ’s resurrection be yours. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, Passion Sunday, 2023
Jesus Christ, as God incarnate, is our only Great High Priest, and He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Propers Manuscript https://www.centralcoastanglicans.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023_03_26_5thInLent.mp3
Sermon, 4th Sunday in Lent, 2023
What is Mothering Sunday? The Church is our Mother and, in Christ, She provides all we need. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 2nd Sunday in Lent, 2023
Human beings are a union of body and soul. What we do with our bodies impacts our souls. What we treasure in our souls impacts our bodies. Thanks be to God that the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 1st Sunday in Lent, 2023
Propers Manuscript
Sermon, Quinquagesima, 2023
Without love, all of our Lenten disciplines are meaningless. Let the face of Christ be the focus of your Lenten fast. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, Sexagesima Sunday, 2023
Revisiting the Parable of the Sower. Soil must be prepared before it can receive the seed and bear fruit. Today’s Christians must spend a lot of time plowing, weeding, and removing rocks. Be patient – God will bring forth the harvest in His time. Manuscript
Sermon, Septuagesima Sunday, 2023
What is the Pre-Lenten season about? Ready or not, here comes Lent. Use these 2-1/2 weeks to prepare. Manuscript