Sermon, 7th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
Are the Seven Deadly Sins really all that deadly? They do not immediately cause our physical death, but the certainly do lead to death of the soul. Why then do we not repent and amend our lives? Because to do so means that we must put off our sloth, dying to ourselves, and embracing the work that God has for us to do. Let us not be intimidated by this, but rather, being strengthened by Christ, let us embrace the work set before us to the building of The Kingdom of God and to the Glory of The Almighty King. Propers Manuscript
Sermon, 7th Sunday after Trinity
What is contained in the biblical concept of “The Wilderness”? How is this significant in the miracle of Christ’s feeding of the 4000 men in Mark 8? This sermon is an introduction to taming the “wilderness” of the soul. Just as He provided for the people in the wilderness, Christ provides what we need to transform our wilderness into a garden. Propers Manuscript