Holy Communion, 24th Sunday after Trinity, 2024
God is good even though life is hard, even though He allows us to struggle. It is in the struggle and the trials that we are purified, that we become more like Christ. Our purification and sanctification is a life-long project, but, thanks be to God, He is faithful. Hold on to Jesus. When life is challenging and difficult, hold on to Him all the more. You will grow. In the pain, through the pain, you will know healing, joy, and peace. Propers Manuscript Sermon Archive
Page Turners Book Club for August 2024
The ladies will meet on August 13, 2024, 6:45 pm, to discuss Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. The location hasn’t yet been determined, but we will update this post once the location is set. These are delightful get-togethers so treat yourself to a good read and the come for fellowship and encouragement.
Page Turners – May Meeting
The ladies will be meeting at 6:45 pm on May 14 to discuss, The Scarlet Pimpernel, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy. This adventure is set in the French Revolution so there will be plenty of swashbuckling and daring-do! Will be great fun to read and to discuss. Email Fr. Kent for location or more details. The book is available at: Abebooks Amazon Audiobook: audiobookstore.com