Sermon, 2nd Sunday in Advent, 2024
Once per year during Advent, we are called upon to consider the gift of the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God. God has graciously revealed Himself to us in the pages of the Bible. Thus, the reading of Holy Scripture is a sacrament for in them Christ gives Himself to us. They are not easy to understand, but we, like the patriarch Joseph, are called upon to wrestle with scripture, to conform our precepts to the precept that we find there, and to study them so that we may apprehend God more fully. In doing so in the company of our fellow believers in the Church throughout time, we find…
Sermon, 2nd Sunday in Advent, 2023
The Holy Bible, God’s Word to us, is a tremendous gift. It is given to us so that we can learn about God and meditate upon His direct message to us. In learning the Word, we are formed and we develop patience, knowing that every one of God’s promises will come to pass, just like every promise about Christ came to pass. Propers Manuscript